DIY Dodge Repairs and Maintenance

2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light, if it’s on, does it always mean there’s a problem?


In most cases, 2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light being on does mean that there is a problem with the vehicle. However, there are some exceptional cases. For example, 2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light may come on briefly during the vehicle’s normal diagnostic self-test, and then turn off. In this case, the check engine light is functioning normally and does not indicate a problem with the vehicle. If 2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light is illuminated and you are not sure why, it is important to have the vehicle checked by a mechanic or dealership as soon as possible.

What to do when 2009 2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light, if it’s on, does it always mean there’s a problem? is on?

If the 2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light is on, this could indicate a problem. This is because these lights are programmed to come on when there is a problem with any of your vehicle’s systems. However, it can also come on without any problem, for example, when you do not close the gas cap of your vehicle completely.

2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light

First of all, you should be calm. 2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light scanners are specially designed to read the check engine light codes so you can find out what is wrong with your vehicle. If it is an easy problem, such as the gas cap not being fully tightened, you can solve it yourself.

However, if the problem is a problem that you cannot solve, you need to go to a mechanic. If you do not have a scanner, you can immediately go to a mechanic and find out what the problem is and learn the solutions.

2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light

How to reset 2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light?

If your 2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light comes on, there are a few things that you can You first need to make sure that the light is not an indication of anything serious and then try resetting the computer system by following these steps:

2009 Dodge Caliber check engine light
  • Turn the ignition key to the on position, but do not start your vehicle.
  • Press and hold the accelerator pedal all the way down until your engine starts without touching it again.
  • Turn the ignition key to the off position and wait for about two minutes.
  • Turn the ignition key to the on position again, but do not start your vehicle.
  • Press and hold the accelerator pedal all the way down until your engine starts without touching it again.
  • Turn off your engine, then turn it back on as soon as possible.
  • Idle the engine for about 60 seconds.
  • Turn the ignition key off, then restart your vehicle.
  • You will hear a clicking sound as the computer resets.
  • Release the pedal and wait for several seconds before starting your vehicle again.
  • Wait for about 10 seconds, then release the pedal. The check engine light should go off within 30 seconds. 
  • If it does not, repeat steps 2 and 3 until it does.
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